This man made sure to pay special attention to my children at a western festival (my kids knew him at the time as 3 fingered Jack from ZORRO) AND when I was verbally attacked by others when I said I didn’t like the foul language in the newer westerns L.Q. defended me! WE DO HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!

HAPPY 87th birthday. L.Q. JONES

HAPPY 87th birthday. L.Q. JONES


    • on September 19, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. JONES! I’m a 57-yr-old western fan and I remember you as a good guy and a bad guy. Always, you are believable and you make any movie a better one. Seeing your name in the beginning credits causes me to anticipate your arrival in the movie because I know it will be a pivotal part of the movie. Thank you for all of your heart in your hard work. God bless you and yours!

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